

New Horizons Indigenous Association is a community focused, member built, First Nations organization dedicated to improving the lives of our people all over the Island. Designed with a focus to fill in the service gaps that impact community members everywhere and increase capacity within communities. With membership in Coast Salish and Kwakwaka’wakw territories our organization is committed to ensuring that our services are administered in a culturally appropriate way, guided by the teachings of our elders and community leaders. NHIA formed in response to the noticeable gaps in access to services available to our people.  These services include, but are not limited to, Social Justice related supports such as Gladue Report Writing; Mental Health and Addictions services such as Crisis Response and Treatment Referral Navigation; TeleOphthalmology; Language support; Workshop supports for Residential School survivors; and a full range of administrative support services.


NHIA is made up of passionate, professional and highly experienced staff, with more than 100 years of combined work experience in community with the capacity to respond to the needs of our Nations at an individual level. This experience helps shape our dedication and commitment to ensuring that NHIA remains a community-based organization, built for and by our members.