

I am catching the sky train. laxs[@n laxa  g#@ligulsala
Where is the sky train? widile_da  g#@lg@lsala?
I am going to the ferry. la[@n laxa lalali[ala
What ferry do I catch? g@nc{aqila q@n[u la>a xa lalali[ala?
I am getting on the bus. la[@n laxa kayux@lx@lsala
Where is the ferry terminal? widi la lalawi[ala?
I am going to the swimming pool. la[@n laxa g@q#ilas
Where is the swimming pool? widi le xa g@lq#ilas?
I am going to the library. la[@n laxa k{ak{adax#sila%s
Where is the library? widi le k{ak{adax#sila%s?
I am driving over the bridge. la[@n xilxa laxa pawi>a
What bridge do I need to take? widi la pawi>a?
I am going to the park. la[@n laxa %@mlid+as
What park are you going to? wid+os lax  %@mlid+as { [a%as?
I will take the highway. la[@n laxa kelnas
How do I get to the highway? wid+ i leda k@lnas?
Where is the bakery? widi le k#ind+ ilase~?
Where is the hospital? widi le c{@qa%ac{i?
I am going to the airport la[@n laxa p@[+ id+as
Where is the airport? widi le p@[id+as?
I am going to the stadium la[@n laxa w’alas %@mlid+as
Where is the arena? widi le >uq#ilas?
I am going to work la[@n lax %i%axala
I am starting a new job today %alum@s@n yax %i%ax^ine~
I am going to make a doctors appointment la[@n dadag#@la>
I am going to the doctor la[@n lax dag#eda>
I need to go grocery shopping la[@n h@me~xa>
I am going grocery shopping la[@n h@me~xa>@n k@lwilas
My child is going to school la[@n x#@nuk# lax k{ak{u[{a%ac{i
Where is the school? widi le da k{ak{u[{u%ac{i 
I am going to university la[@n laxa %ixa>ak{ak{a[{ac{i
I am going to school la[@n laxa k{ak{a[{ac{i 
I am going to the movie theatre la[@n laxa s@bilas
I am watching a movie humo>a s@bad+oy{
I am going skiing la[@n >uq#a> lax c{i[{a 
I want to go skiing la%@xsd@n  >uq#a
I am ordering food %um@nc nanq#a h@m{e~
I am going to the restaurant la[@n laxa h@ma%e~las
I want to get a haircut la%@xsd@n k{@pi>
I am going to get my haircut la[@n lax k{@p{i>
I am going to ride my bike la[@n k@lx@>s@n k@lk@lsala
I am going to ride my bike to the park la[@n k@lx@>s@n xa %@mlid+as
I am going skateboarding la[@n  %@m>a>s@n >uq#ad+oy
I am going to the skate park la[@n laxa %@mlid+asa >uq#ad+oy
I am going swimming at the pool ga[@n g^@lqa> laxa g^@lgilas
I am going swimming in the ocean la[@n g^@lq@n laxa d@msxi
Let’s go in my car wic{ox@nc la[@n x@lx@lsala 
I am getting my car fixed la[@n [as@n x@lx@lsala laxa hililas
I am going to the florist la[@n laxa plawac{ilas
Where is the nearest florist store widi le~da plawac{ilas?
I am going to buy a car la[@n k@lx^a x@lx@lsala
I am going to buy food la[@n k@lx^a h@m{e~
I am a painter g^^@ly{i nux^@n
I want to buy paint la[@n k@lx^a g@lyayuw
I will drive my car la[@n k@lx@n lax s@n x@lx@lsala
I own a car gax nug^ad@n [asa  x@lx@lsala
I will drive my truck %axnug^ad@n da mawac{i
It’s mine nusux#
I am driving la[@n k@lxiya>
I will drive my motorcycle la[@n x@lx@ls@n x@lx@lsala
I own a cellphone da%ak ^ t@myayuw
Can I take the bus? la%exsd@n laxa g^ayusto%alas
I am waiting for the bus %isa>@n qa g^ayusto%alas
I am going to buy new shoes la[{@n k@lx^a lax %al{umas t{ibayuw{
Where can I buy wood? wi[@n k@lx^a l@q^a
I want to be a welder la%exsd@n lax k^at+inux^#e~
I need a welder %a%e~xsten lax k^at+inux^#e~
I live in a high rise building guk^a l@n laxa %ik+asg@m k^alilas
I want to rent a room %@%exsd@n lax g@n k@lx^e xa k+^alas
I have a computer nug^ad@n [asa >uq^a^%ac{i
I want to buy a computer %@%exsd@n lax k@lx^a >uq^a^%ac{i
My house is small  %@mabiduw  w@n guk#
I want to rent a house %@%exsd@n q@n b@kyo xa guk#
I live with my friend m@lug#i> ]uw g#@n> n@muk#
I need to find a room mate %ala%@n lax#a wa%og#i>
I like my teacher %i%ak@n x#a [isa%a%enox#
I want to be a teacher %@%exsd@n q@n  [e~s@%e~nox#
I want to go to the courthouse la%e~xsd@n laxa dadalic+a%ac_i
Where is the courthouse? widi le~ dadalic+a%ac_i?
I am going to call the police [ilala [@n xa c@qila 
Where is the police station? widi le xa w+alac+{{ i?
I need to find the gas station %al%@n le xa p{@nc{olas
Where is the gas station? widi le xa p{@nc{olas?
I like buying bread from the bakery %i%ak{@n  k#@nik# la k#@nd+ilas
Where is the bakery? widi le xa k#@nd+ilas?
I am going to the mall la[@n laxa qin@m kik@lwilas
Where is the mall? widi le qin@m kik@lwilas?
I am going to the car dealership la[@n laxa k@lwilasa x@lx@lsala
Where is the car dealership? widi le k@lwilas@n x@lx@lsala?